After the very long journey I arrived on Monday around midnight in my hostel in Buenos Aires. The next morning was quite rainy so I decided to stay in the hostel. As it stopped raining, I explored the microcenter and Puerto Madero, the harbour of Buenos Aires.
I have been told that there is kind of a black market for US Dollars, where you get a much better rate then the official one (up to 60% more), I changed some money for the next days. On Wednesday I visited La Recoleta, including the cemetery where Eva Peron (aka Evita) is buried. In the evening I got a message, that Nicolas, a french guy with whom I was already traveling in Mongolia last summer, will be in Buenos Aires as well on Friday. With this message I decided to stay one day longer in BA. Finally the best thing so far was, that my luggage arrived in the evening 🙂
Thursday I got up quite early and went to La Boca, an old district in the city, which was built by Italian immigrants in the 19th century. First stop was visiting the Bombonera, the famous football stadium of the Boca Juniors. Attached to the stadium there was also a museum, which showed some of the cups, won by the Boca Juniors and told the history of this football club. The rest of the day I didn’t do much, but organized my next days. Friday I walked around in Palermo, which is for sure more fun in the evening then in the sun during lunch time. I saw many Restaurants and boutique shops. In the afternoon I met Nicolas for lunch and a small sightseeing tour.
On Saturday it was finally time to get on the bus to Bariloche, where I should meet some friends of Salzburg.
3 thoughts on “Bienvenido a Buenos Aires”
Another Shaking-Rhyme for the Shaking-Travel-Troll:
“Da war noch Licht im Nasenloch,
denn seine Popel lasen noch. ”
Inzwischen schon patagonisch gepopelt?
So, lieber Schief!
Do is a klane Anleitung por el popel-Spiel, dassd da beim Erklärn leichta duast. Die konnst ruhig ungschaut so übernehmen, mei Spanisch rostet eh nur seit 11 Jahren so dahin. Wenn Di wer komisch oschaut, donn sicher ned deshoib!
“Hay que poner el dedo correcto en la naríz aquí. Es muy importante de encontrar el dedo con los curvaturas, longitudas y anchos correctos. Finalmente, aquel que tiene los màs popel es el campión!!! So und Du fongst o!!!”
Und is des ane eigentlich so a leckere Meersau am Foto?
Schüssi und vü Spass
glaub, das ist eine meersau… oder zumindest so was ähnliches 😀
die übersetzung freut mich sehr, aber hab das spiel loider dahoim vergessen….