With quite a headache I left Baguo village towards Hongkong in the morning last thursday.
It started to rain like hell in the morning, when I had to leave to the bus station, but fortunately it was only a two minutes walk away.After three hours on the bus I arrived in Chengdu and took the bus to the the train station. Not 100% sure, it the Chengdu North Railway station on the map is the same as the Chengdu Railway station on my ticket is the same, I checked the board with all the trains and as I found my train there, I was very relieved. Still having two hours time for the departure, I had some Dim Sum (steamed dumplings) for lunch and bought some snacks and something to drink at one of the convenience stores before moving to the waiting hall. There I met again a mother with her son, who where originally chinese, but living in Munich since some years, who were also on the bus from Baguo to Chengdu. Talking to them shortened the waiting time.
On the train to Guangzhou, it was with 2500km the longest distance I made in one go on my trip, I set up all my stuff and spent the time – once more – with reading, sleeping and listening to music. After 25 hours the train arrived in Guangzhou, where I bought a ticket to Shenzhen, the city in mainland China next to Hongkong, which was connected to the Hongkong subway system.
Seven countries, 15710km and 86 days later I finally arrived in Hongkong, doing all the way by train.
In Hongkong itself it took me another hour to get to the hostel, which was in the famous Chungking Mansion in Kowloon. I read already lots of stories about it, so I wasn’t too surprised that there were people standing around offering me hostel rooms.