train to Russia

On Friday afternoon I headed towards Warsaw Gdanska station, spent my last polish money for some food and drinks for the train and waited for the departure towards Russia.

When I entered the train it was like entering a different world. Everybody spoke Russian, compartments were quite narrow and I was somehow lost with my English. It took one hour to get myself organized with two older russian ladies, with whom I shared the compartment, but fortunately one of them spoke some English so it wasn’t too bad.

Passing the border to Belarus took like 3 hours for passport control, changing the wagon to the russian track system, but as kind of a welcome, there was a big firework going on in Brest, the city at the border due to the celebration of victory day.

I had a quite comfortable night and entered Moscow the next day around lunch time.

6 thoughts on “train to Russia”

  1. hilft meistens:
    Я Вас не понимаю. [ja wass nipanimaju] Ich verstehe Sie nicht.

    Продиктуйте, пожалуйста, по буквам. [pradiktujti pashalussta pabukwam] Buchstabieren Sie es bitte.

    Vü Spaß!

  2. Endlich Time, in deinen Blog zu schauen, super Fotos, danke für alle NEWS…den gewaltigen Aufmarsch in Moskau hab ich mit Trude im Fernsehen gesehen, Dich nicht, Du warst noch im Zug…Я желаю вам хорошо провести вечер…schönen Abend noch und auf bald!

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